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Sun Conure

Sun Conures are both vibrant and vocal pet birds. They get their name from their beautifully bright feathers and are considered a small to medium sized of pet bird. These attributes make them a popular pet bird but just like other birds, they aren’t for everyone.

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Sun conure for sale

Sun conure for sale, is one of the most colorful of the conures. Their nice personalities and their gorgeous coloring make them a favorite pet. There are a variety of conures, and most make excellent pets. They vary in coloring and size, the Nanday Conure, for example, is a larger conure with a black head and green body. For a smaller bird and a great pet, a sun conure is a great choice.

Care and feeding:

A roomy cage is required unless the bird is to be let out for extended periods. Many birds can spend most of their time on a playpen or parrot perch. They eat a variety of sprouts, seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and commercial pellets, as well as the same nutritional foods humans eat.

Social Behaviors:

They live in pairs or small groups of 10 to 20 birds. These birds love to play and can be fairly destructive if not watched. They can also be rather noisy. Despite all this, they make a really fun pet and are very popular.


Handling/Training of Sun conure for sale

Always handle your pet conure gently. If a person is afraid of a bird, the bird can sense this and it can make it impossible to develop a relationship. Never hit your bird or you will lose it’s trust, probably forever.

Taming Basics:
To train your pet, the first thing you should do is have its wings clipped. A bathroom is a good area for working with your conure to train it. Be sure to cover the mirrors, have the windows closed and covered, and the door closed.
Always reward good behavior and each success with loving praise and a treat. Some treats are a cracker, fruit such as a piece of grape, or a nut. Repeat the hand-taming lessons several times a day but for short periods of time, about 20 minutes a session.

Initial Training:
Place the conure on a perch. If it insists on flying off, pick it up, and replace it on the perch until it becomes used to the perch and is comfortable with it.
The next step is to take a second perch and gently push into your pet’s chest to encourage it to step upon it. Sometimes offering a treat to coax it up on the porch as it reaches for the treatment will help.
Once it steps up without hesitation, you can then substitute your finger for the perch. If your conure tries to bite, you can blow on it and it will soon learn to behave.

Advanced Training:
These are very bright birds and love learning tricks. Some of the tricks you can teach it to do are to play dead, lay on its back, and even pick up objects and bring them to you. Your conure can also learn to talk with patience and persistence.

Sun conure for sale


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